(347) 674-6667


We specialize in graphics services, but we do take web design commissions on a limited basis.

We don’t do web development or programming – we mainly create interface and display graphics, content, and UX.

Stand Out

Your site represents you to the world. It should be as unique as you and your project.

The keys to this are choosing custom design over cookie-cutter templates, and populating that design with content that says exactly what you want it to.


The Web should be Interesting.

Be Interesting

Even the most serious site should still be interesting and engaging.

Your web presence should express and invoke the same passion and enthusiasm you have for your business or project.


The Web can be Dangerous

Avoid Traps

You know you need a web presence, and you want all it can do for your business or project.

There are a lot of dodgy characters who know that. They’ll be happy to take you to the Dark Side, or just rip you off themselves.

Trust Your Feelings. What would Yoda say?

“Be not a Scammed, but Scammer also should you not be!”


Ever noticed how many of the 60 Million WordPress sites on the web look just like each other?
We can make your WordPress powered site shine, do everything you need it to do, and be as brilliantly unique as you are.

 WordPress is The Best.

It’s strong, flexible, extensible, stable, open source, and supported by an active community as big as life. Undoubtedly the best CMS platform in the world today.

The only problem with WordPress is ending up with “Just another WordPress site.”   You want individuality, so you search through the almost 3,000 free themes on WordPress.Org, and perhaps even the hundreds of premium themes on the web, until you found one you really like.  But, it’s been downloaded 17,684 times.  Of the 60 Million websites in the world that are powered by WordPress (including 22% of the top 10 million) chances are pretty good that there’s few other sites that look just like yours. (Or a few thousand)

We can help make your WordPress powered site absolutely unique (and we can do it for a lot less than the $10,000+ you could pay for a completely customized, proprietary, in-house theme)

In fact, theme customization was where we started out when we first got interested in WordPress, back when Facebook was still just a pamphlet, and we still love doing it.

We can also make WordPress do that special thing you want it to do, whatever it is. Galleries? Portfolios? e-Commerce? A forum? Message board? Lost Pet Center? Online classroom? Your own community or social network? You name it.

We at EyeQueue specialize in WordPress as a web development and design tool and are proud to be involved in the WordPress community, but we are not an official WordPress resource. We’ll be happy to help with your WordPress powered site, but please visit WordPress.org for all official WordPress information and resources. The WordPress logo is a trademark owned by the WordPress Foundation.


The Web is Your Media Empire.

By now, there’s little debate as to whether your business or project needs a social media presence, but there is still some debate here and there as to why social media is important, what it should do for you, and how the return on investment should (or even can) be measured.

Yes, social media is a way for you to always be in touch with current or potential customers.  Yes, it’s also a way for them to be in touch with you. And, of course, it’s a way for them to be in touch with each other about you – a way to tell their friends why they should give you a try, or avoid you.

But, the ‘social’ in social media also means it’s ours.  Everyone can have their own TV channel, radio station, newspaper, literary magazine, art magazine, trade magazine, talk show, editorial corner, or sketch comedy program.

Knowing which social networks to engage in to best get your story out is as important as knowing how to create and manage a presence on those networks.  Good community management and content management are both key to maintaining and growing what you build.

We can help with all of that.  We’ve been building social media presence for more than five years.  We can set it up and let you loose with it, train you and your staff, work together with you, or we can manage it all for you.


Content is Our Business.

You’re in the business you’re in because you’re good at it.  It’s great that your own site and social media can give you a media empire to tell the world about it, but if you’re spending all your time writing about, talking about, painting about, singing about what you do, how much time are you going to have left to actually do it?

Remember that your time is worth what it’s worth because you can do what you do.  When a lawyer who bills $140 an hour paints her own garage to avoid paying a painter $35 an hour, she’s not saving $35 an hour, she’s losing $105.

Once you decide on a message and the right means to present it, we can take care or sourcing, curating, and creating original and licensed content to keep your media empire humming.

Maybe you like creating content, too. Shooting film of photos of your work, writing about interesting aspects of it, interviewing industry personalities, these things can be a lot of fun when you’re passionate about what you do.  That’s great!  We’ll be happy to work with your content, and augment it with other stuff.

People Excel at Ignoring Ads.

Since the web started becoming popular, people have gotten better and better at simply not seeing ads.  Some have learned to ignore parts of the page and tune out anything that looks at all like an ad, others actually employ browser add-ons and special functions to block them entirely.

It’s not surprising, with the web saturated with pop-ups that violently interrupt what you’re trying to do, ads that trick you into visiting sites on misleading links and false promises, video ads that start blaring at you without your permission, and bizarro ads so poorly targeted that they might have been fired from an antique cannon by a team of blindfolded clowns. And none of that is as bad as the ads that are actually just a virus or malware waiting to bring your computer to it’s knees.

So, what do you do? Be good. Don’t be “that guy”.  We suggest two things.

First, if you can avoid it, don’t advertise – engage.  Put interesting content with real value on your well designed site, then share it over your carefully chosen and skillfully run social media presence and in your professionally produced newsletters.

Second, when you do have to advertise, do it ethically and well.  Place well produced ads on reputable sites. Make your ads clean, relevant, well targeted, and professional.  Funny, touching, nostalgic, smart, sassy – sure, that’s all fine.  But be professional and honest about it, and the responses you get will be of a better quality.

Likewise, don’t be that guy’s target. If temptation has you considering paying a big price tag for something too good to be true, remember that it probably is too good to be true.

Anyone selling an instant ticket to thousands of Facebook “likes” or Twitter followers or top Google results rankings or viral YouTube results is going to cost you more in and frustration repairs to your online reputation than just the money you’ve lost to them.

The only reliable and lasting way to the top in these things is dedication to hard work, great content, community management, and time.

So how much does all this cost?

That’s like asking “How much does a vehicle cost?”  It depends on how much you need it to carry, where you want it to go, how quickly you want to get there, how fancy it is, and more.

But, we can tell you this:  It’ll probably cost a lot less than it would through any big name up-market agency, and it’ll probably cost quite a bit more than if you get your neighbor’s co-worker’s nephew who learned all about computers at camp to do it.

We have a core consulting team with over 80 years combined web experience, we work on a freelance model with almost no overhead, and – like you – we’ve all got to eat.  We’re going to do our best to make sure you get a price both you and we can live happily with.

So, why don’t you tell us how we can make your web life better?

What can we do for you?

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