(347) 674-6667


Graphics of all kinds are usually the first impression your company makes, and from your advertising to your logo to your invoicing, graphic design plays a part in how your company is perceived by everyone it makes contact with.

You’re busy actually making your company great – you don’t have time to make it look great, and it’s not your forte if you did.

Relax.  Do what you do.

This is what we do.

Stand Out

Your logo represents you to the world before you ever get a chance to associate it with your unique quality and capability.

This is no time to use free clip-art, default color schemes, and the same design templates everyone else uses.

Your logo should represent you.


The Web should be Interesting.

Be Interesting

Advertising is important, and placing the right ad can be expensive.

Creating the right ad doesn’t need to be. 

The Web can be Dangerous

Image Manipulation

Photo Editing, Adjustment, Manipulation, Optimization, Restoration, Colorization, and Photo-Illustration.

We love creating custom graphics.


Custom Graphics.

My primary joy is creating art – but, while I do enjoy creating “art for art’s sake” as much as the next person, I especially love creating art with a functional purpose.

Over the past 30+ years, I’ve created book covers, magazine covers, magazine layout, brochure design, CD & album covers, advertisements for magazines, newspaper, and the web, illustrations for fiction and non-fiction books and instruction manuals, product visualization, product packaging, document design, interface graphics for websites and desktop programs, photo repair (remove this car from my vacation photo!), restoration (This photo is faded and torn – can you fix it?), and colorization, photo manipulation and photo illustration, technical illustrations for Army helicopters, police forms for city and county governments, architectural visualizations, corporate presentations, educational materials, and graphics for social media – both informative, promotional, and memes.

If you need an artist, a graphic designer, or an illustrator for some project, I can probably do it, and probably have relevant experience.  My costs may vary a little depending on how much fun the job looks like, but are generally pretty reasonable – especially if you’re used to agency price tags. 

You can contact me below, or have a look at a limited portfolio gallery for some samples.

~Honor – Creative Lead, EyeQueue. 

These days you can get your graphics for free, on the web – as long as you don’t mind looking just like a bunch of other businesses.  And forget trying to trademark any of that… 
Be yourself. A custom logo lets you stand out and give your customers a recognizable, memorable image that they identify with your name, your products, and your service.

 Your Logo is Your Portrait, Your Signature, and Your Fingerprint.

In very many cases, your logo will be the very first thing someone knows about your company. The impression it forms will stick with them, and, if they interact with your business, it will evolve and refine in their memory and imagination over time. 

How well your logo reflects your business, your business style, your pride and professionalism, and your fluency with your customers’ needs, will play a large part in their frame of mind and expectations the first time you interact with them – and, sometimes, whether you will ever have the chance to.

A logo that looks unprofessional or conveys the wrong message can cost you business, or force you to overcome poor expectations.

Today, you can have your logo “designed” for free (perhaps with some hidden costs) by an automatic algorithm on a web site.  Usually, these avoid the pitfall of looking unprofessional, but they’re also created with stock templates and a library of clip-art.  This means two things – first, one or more businesses out there have almost exactly the same logo as you do, and second, you’ll never be able to register that logo as a trademark.  Worse, if someone else has already registered a similar trademark and successfully sues you for infringement, you could lose the right to use it, as well as damages for infringement. Neither ignorance nor intent is a legal defense in such a case.

It’s very common for people to say “you get what you pay for”, but in this case, it’s far worse – “free” can cost you everything.

Feel free to contact me if you’d like a custom logo designed at a reasonable price.


Good Advertising Communicates, Inspires, and Sticks. 

We both produce and design advertising.  We can help design the ad and the campaign to reach and appeal to the consumers you want to communicate with, and we can help create the ads you want, for the internet, magazines, newspapers, mail, video, and billboards and other display advertising. 

If you want to do a campaign with all original models, settings, and photography, we can do that. It can be expensive, but for a major or national campaign, it can be worth it to have everything tailor-made. 

Another option is to make use of carefully chosen and customized stock photography and footage.  Using stock is bad when your ad looks like everyone every other at that’s used the same image, but you can edit and manipulate stock – use parts of several in photo-illustration that makes your ad unique and perfect for your purposes, at less than 10% of the cost of a custom shoot. We both excel at and enjoy the challenges of this process.

You can contact us below, or have a look at a limited portfolio gallery for some samples.


Everything a Photo Could Need. 

Sometimes a photo needs that one thing removed – power lines in your nature shot, a random passerby in your holiday snaps, your frenemy from your wedding photos.  Sometimes it needs restoration or enhancement – that faded, torn photo of your great grandmother – the only one in existence, that headshot you’d like to be fashion magazine perfect for your LinkedIn Profile page.  Sometimes it needs adjustment – brighter, darker, more contrast, etc. Sometimes you want to see it as a watercolor painting or a pencil sketch. Sometimes a story needs an illustration that’s photo-real but also, surreal – like a shark giving you a predatory grin. 

We love doing this stuff.

You can contact us below, or have a look at a limited portfolio gallery for some samples.


Video and Images are the Currency of Social Media.

You search the web to try to find the right comment image, post image, meme, or clip, and then hope it’s not being associated with someone else, or that it’s not too popular already, of – worst of all – that it doesn’t get traction and become a powerful asset you can’t use because of copyright issues…

Alternately, you can have the perfect one created for you, know it’s original and tailor-made, own the publication rights yourself, and be ready for anything. 


So how much does all this cost?

Of course, it’s impossible to say without the details of what you need.  We can tell you this:  It’ll probably cost a lot less than it would through any big name up-market agency, and it’ll probably cost quite a bit more than if you get your neighbor’s co-worker’s nephew who learned all about computers at camp to do it.

A really simple logo might be as little as $50, but up to $250 is more likely.  Ads could run from under a hundred dollars to thousands (you need drone footage of a car chase, for instance).  Social media images are similar – it could be as little as $20, or a whole lot more.  Photo and illustration work is billed hourly, with a maximum estimate given before work begins. This includes such work that’s done as a part of an ad, a social media image, or anything else.

We have a core consulting team with over 80 years combined web experience, we work on a freelance model with almost no overhead, and – like you – we’ve all got to eat.  We’re going to do our best to make sure you get a price both you and we can live happily with.

So, why don’t you tell us what we can do to help you?

What can we do for you?